, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 March 2017 - MarchéEconomics

March 6, 2017


Flow Theory of the Stock Market

Flow theory is about the flow of money into and out of stocks, economic sectors, and the overall stock market. I am going to focus on the overall stock market. Flows into and out of the stock market occur for different reasons in the longer-run period (greater than 1 or 2 years) versus the shorter-run period (less than 1 or 2 years). In the long-run money flows depend on: 1. Demographic trends 2. Long-run economic growth. 3. International portfolio capital…

Weekly Stock Picks for March 2017

Week 1 The market remains kind. I continue to buy the inverse beta stock TZA when the market is up and sell when the market is down, but I always hold a minimum of 3% in my portfolio. Along with potential profits from TZA, I have increased cash holdings in case a market correction serves up buying opportunities. For the week of March 6 - 10, I recommend taking a look at some of the stocks I intend to buy:…

Economics Textbooks

Here are some links to my two economics textbooks published by Kendall Hunt. Introduction to Macroeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics Both texts are available in the cheaper e-book format and will provide a good reference for economic theory. Also, both texts are written at the principles or introductory level and do not presuppose any prior economic knowledge. Of course if you really want to have your political economy socks blown off you can read my novel Bob the Bubble…

February 2017 Stock Pick Performance

All recommended base stocks had positive gains during the month of February. Data is in in monthly and annualized percentage changes. For comparison, . . . . . . . . . % change February . . . (% change Annualized) DOW 30 . . . . . . . . . 4.63% . . . . . . . . . .(55.58%) S & P 500 . . . . . . . .3.69% . . . . .…