, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 December 2020 Stock and Fund Picks - MarchéEconomics

December 2020 Stock and Fund Picks

December 29, 2020, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The market appears like it will be strong until mid January 2021. No one wants to sell gains at this time so it will remain somewhat overbought. That said, the Biden administration will be a lot less volatile and thereby contribute to increased market stability — especially regarding tariffs randomly and thoughtlessly applied. Moreover, gridlock appears likely if the Senate remains controlled by Republicans. This will contain market disrupting tax and wage policies. Thus, the expectation of long-run stock market stability and growth appear warranted. Plus we have a new stimulus package and the distribution of the two new vaccines which should contribute to growth, and maybe even some inflation. Consequently, staying invested during 2021 appears to be the best strategy.

The following stocks are expected to outperform over the next 30 – 90 days. After that review them and decide whether to keep or toss. The best for growth are: APOG, BGSF, RAD, RLGY, SANM, LAKE, STC, WSM, and TITN. For dividends: SNP, HESM, RID, TX, BGS, BBL, LM, CE, VOD, IP, and OSB. The top ETFs are: PSI, IWO, XSW, WCLD, and PSJ. Good investing!

More about Gary Marché

I have a PhD in economics with emphasis in International Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation. I am also a successful life-long investor . . . and hope to continue to be.