, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 MarchéEconomics - Page 12 of 12 - Free Economic Analysis and Investments, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Weekly Stock Picks for March 2017

Week 1 The market remains kind. I continue to buy the inverse beta stock TZA when the market is up and sell when the market is down, but I always hold a minimum of 3% in my portfolio. Along with potential profits from TZA, I have increased cash holdings in case a market correction serves up buying opportunities. For the week of March 6 - 10, I recommend taking a look at some of the stocks I intend to buy:…

Economics Textbooks

Here are some links to my two economics textbooks published by Kendall Hunt. Introduction to Macroeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics Both texts are available in the cheaper e-book format and will provide a good reference for economic theory. Also, both texts are written at the principles or introductory level and do not presuppose any prior economic knowledge. Of course if you really want to have your political economy socks blown off you can read my novel Bob the Bubble…

February 2017 Stock Pick Performance

All recommended base stocks had positive gains during the month of February. Data is in in monthly and annualized percentage changes. For comparison, . . . . . . . . . % change February . . . (% change Annualized) DOW 30 . . . . . . . . . 4.63% . . . . . . . . . .(55.58%) S & P 500 . . . . . . . .3.69% . . . . .…

The Border Adjustment Tax (BAT) is really GREAT!

Economists seem less worried about it for several reasons.  First, other countries we trade with use the same thing against us.  Second, a BAT is not a trade restriction such as a tariff or quota that the World Trade Organization (WTO) can overturn as being in violation of a previous trade agreement.  Third, a BAT is not a trade export subsidy that would lead the WTO to approve countervailing duties so as to offset it.  Last and most important, a BAT does not effect retailers in such a negative way as is being…

What about the Current Economy and Markets?

The supply or production side of the economy driven by individual and business interests was for about eight years due to anti-business and anti-private sector policies.  The rationale for these policies was a socialist agenda coupled with a lack of understanding of how a market based economy (i.e., capitalism) works.  The result was slow and declining rates of economic growth on the supply-side of the economy because business expectations for a payoff to investment were lacking.  For example, recent data…

Discover February’s Weekly Top Stock Picks — All Free

Building a stock portfolio is like putting together a really great sled dog team. Many investors tend to take profits from their good stocks (i.e., let their good dogs go) and keep their poorly performing stocks (i.e., their sick dogs) which means they will get nowhere. That said, if a stock gets too rich (a dog is too fat to run anymore) then sell it and hook up a new dog that is ready to run. My own stock portfolio…

Look Out Below!

Most stock investors worry about sudden sell-offs and plunging stock prices. Here are some strategies that can reduce your worries. 1. The simplest strategy is to have a long-run time horizon that allows you to ignore short-run fluctuations in financial asset prices. Companies always move things and if you have invested in good ones, short-run downturns in the stock market are best ignored. 2. Buy a mutual fund or other fund that lags market turning points, especially the downward turning points. I…