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November Stock and Fund Picks

Socio-Economic Aspects of Election History: I was mortified when Richard Nixon was voted back into his second presidential term. But then I realized that most people were afraid of communism's spread and wanted protection from it. Moreover, those who could perceive what Watergate would become were very much in the minority. There are some parallels to Trump's recent election victory. Many blue-collar workers have lost jobs to competition from international trade over the last 80 years or so because every…

Warren Buffet explains the wealth gap

An advanced market economy Buffett believes the market economy has become more and more “specialized” with “economic rewards flowing to people with specialized talents.” This, he says, has caused the wealth gap with many people barely getting by while others thrive. “It was an agrarian economy a couple hundred years ago,” he said in an interview with CNN. “Very hard, you know, to get 20 times the wealth of the next guy because you were a little bit better farmer.…

June Stock and Fund Picks

June 28, 2023: Because the Fed intends to carefully proceed by looking at downside (recession) risks versus inflationary risks, we can expect them to try to avoid causing a recession. But, recent strong economic activity in areas such as capital goods manufacturing, housing construction, strong service sector and a still fairly resilient labor market mean that a recession would be relatively more difficult to accomplish. This gives the Fed ample room to pursue it's anti-inflation goal. Inflation is still too…

October Stock and Fund Picks

Before I list my picks and review the state of the economy, I'd like to add a comment on trade protectionism and the negotiation strategy of the Trump administration with China. The problem is that China is an unfair trader and its communist government's strategy is to steal as much technology as is possible. Something must be done to counter a development strategy such as this. Unfortunately, Trump's trade protectionism and attempts at negotiation will ultimately fail as a countermeasure.…

December Stock and Fund Picks

Isolationism and increasing inefficiency that results will continue to push output down. Already it has reduced investment, which in turn reduces productivity growth, as well as both exports and imports which account for about 40 - 45% of our economy. Let me illustrate how this works. Two nearby islands routinely trade with each other because island 1 has resources and technology better suited for making clothes while island 2 is more suited to making food. Each islands specializes by producing…

Pugonomics 101 for Investors

I have two pugs.  I am not their master.  Instead, I work for them.   They are well cared for and appear grateful.  this is not trickle down economics, for which, by the way, there is no existing theory.  Given the arrogance and outright laziness of my pugs it seems more like trickle up economics. The analogy holds for investors.  When you buy a fund or stock you are using your financial capital to hire firms and fund managers to…