, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 October 2017 Stock Pick Performance - MarchéEconomics

October 2017 Stock Pick Performance

November 25, 2017, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

October was an overall bad month for stocks and stock picking.  While the Base Stock picks outperformed all thee stock indexes (S & P 500, DOW, NASDAQ), the weekly stock picks did not. Even though the base stock picks outperformed, I am selling USCR and adding FTEC to the base stock portfolio.  Access the October Base Stock portfolio performance through the following link.

October 2017 Base Stock Performance

Access the weekly stock picks through the following link.

October 2017 Weekly Stock Pick Performance

With the weekly stock  picks underperforming, one must keep in mind that October is a short period for evaluation.  Stocks such as RTN and BURL had negative months but are likely to perform positively over a longer period, and especially over months other than October. Some stocks like UCTT, WB and NTRI simply became good buys as a result of their negative performance.  That said, October revealed that stocks that performed well over this short period such as ROBO, TXN, BOX, ASYS, MZOR, ISRG and STZ are probably strong buys.  Good Investing!

More about Gary Marché

I have a PhD in economics with emphasis in International Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation. I am also a successful life-long investor . . . and hope to continue to be.