, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Pugonomics 101 for Investors - MarchéEconomics

Pugonomics 101 for Investors

March 15, 2018, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I have two pugs.  I am not their master.  Instead, I work for them.   They are well cared for and appear grateful.  this is not trickle down economics, for which, by the way, there is no existing theory.  Given the arrogance and outright laziness of my pugs it seems more like trickle up economics.

The analogy holds for investors.  When you buy a fund or stock you are using your financial capital to hire firms and fund managers to work for you.  If you do it right, this is also trickle up economics . . . or Pugonomics 101.  Sleep well.

More about Gary Marché

I have a PhD in economics with emphasis in International Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation. I am also a successful life-long investor . . . and hope to continue to be.