, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 November 2017 Stock State - MarchéEconomics

November 2017 Stock State

November 15, 2017, pub-2431335701173086, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

November 15 update:

We keep doing what works until it doesn’t.  Be careful about buying on small dips while assuming that tomorrow the market will upon on the upside.  This may quit working with tomorrow becoming another down day.  This is characteristic of a stock market that rolls-over into a larger correction . . . which we badly need.  Given a larger correction of say 3 – 5% a global bottom, as opposed to the daily local minimums, you may have bought into.  I would keep my powder dry (hold more cash) and buy some TVIX or TZA.  Once we see how this current situation, that looks like it could turn into a healthier correction, plays out it will then be time to go back in.  Good Investing!

November 30 update:

The tech sector sell-off is a buying opportunity.  Some, such as the Chinese stocks like WB, TCENY, and BABA are still selling.  This selling appears related to the tax cut/reform bill which doesn’t benefit Chinese stocks.  These are good stocks selling off for a bad reason.  China is one of the higher growth rate developing economies.  The consumer sector is far underdeveloped and this sector will continue to grow and gain strength for the next 50 years.  In fact, China is in the early stages of a rural to urban migration stage of economic development just as was the US about 75 years ago.  Tax related selling completely misses this point and is, for that reason, way overdone.  Just buy these Chinese stocks and held on to them.  You will not lose.

A note on NTDOY.  It is in the beginning stages of a several year upward move as well.  Hope you got in early enough to take advantage of it.

I don’t think bitcoin or the other cryptocurrencies have finished going up.  Still, I’d wait for a pull back before getting in if you haven’t already.  An easy way t o ride bitcoin is through GBTC.  Always remember that anything that goes up too fast will correct, and probably the correction will be excessive.

Good investing!



More about Gary Marché

I have a PhD in economics with emphasis in International Economics, Comparative Economic Systems, Open Economy Macroeconomics, Public Finance, and Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation. I am also a successful life-long investor . . . and hope to continue to be.